Event Calendar
Co-OrganisersOrganiser Partners Media Partners
19 Nov
21 Nov
23 Nov
25 Nov
26 Nov
24 Nov
22 Nov
20 Nov
Hong Kong Marime
Week 2017 Opening
Seafarers Welfare
following MLC 2006
Internaonal Conference on "Cross Border
Insolvency and Marime Maers"
Asian Logiscs and Marime Conference
Hong Kong Marime
Week Orienteering
Race 2017
The Cross-Strait
Conference 2017
Joint Forum on
Shipping Experse in
Hong Kong
5th Asia Marine Insurance Conference
“Say Thanks to Seafarers” Colouring Compeon Winners Exhibion & Tug Boat visits & Photography exhibion about Hong Kong Harbour Life
Marime Services Training Instute Open Day
Pilotage Operaon
School visits
GS1 Hong Kong Belt
and Road Forum
Shipowners Forum
Hong Kong
Boost business
through technology in
the Marine and
Logiscs Industry
A Visit to Hongkong
Navigang the Belt
and Road:
Opportunies for
Marime Industry
Reorienng Hong
Kong Marime
Arbitraon: A
Super-Connector in
the Belt and Road
and Great Bay Area
Seminar on
Challenges and
Opportunies in
Marime Disputes
DNV GL Bulk Carrier
Blockchain for
Shipping & Logiscs
Study Visit to CFS
E-gate Live Demo
Visit to Navigaon
Simulaon Training
Marime CEO Forum
A Hong Kong ad hoc
Mock Marime
Shaken Not Srred
Networking Drinks
Propulsion Systems
Opmizaon and
Shipping Markets:
Changing Dynamics
Hong Kong
Associaon Annual
General Meeng and
60th Anniversary
Cocktail Recepon
SCLP Networking
Hong Kong 2017
$afe Manning
Onboard Ships
Family Fun Day
Marime & Logiscs Hackathon 2017
Tour of Container
Forum on the
Development of
Financial and
Insurance Services in
Hong Kong
Career Tips in
Marime and
Logiscs Industries
Port of Hamburg
Evening Recepon
Technical Seminar in
Marime Engineering
and Technology
Forum on e-Cargo
Marime Careers
The Hong Kong
Shipyard Ltd.
Pacific Basin Soccer
Pi's Adventure in
Victoria Harbour
Watersport Fun Day
WELCOME to our fourth e-bullen of the Hong Kong Marime Week (HKMW) 2017!
Hong Kong is well-known for having a vibrant marime cluster with more
than 800 companies providing a myriad of high quality marime services
including ship agency and management, ship broking, marine insurance,
marime legal and arbitraon services, and others.
Talents are the key success factor for developing Hong Kong as a premier marime services hub in the region.
Hong Kong has quality talents in various marime services areas. Apart from striving to retain and build an
adequate local pool of talents with professional marime skills and experiences, we have been proacvely
aracng overseas talents to come and work in Hong Kong. In this e-bullen edion, we endeavour to give you
a beer insight of the work and life of young marime professionals in Hong Kong.
The HKMW will be held from 19-26 November 2017. With about 50 events this year, the HKMW is going to be
a fantasc opportunity for industry luminaries and praconers from overseas, the Mainland and Hong Kong to
exchange views and ideas on further development of the marime industry. Sign up now for upcoming events
and stay tuned for more informaon!
October 2017 VOL. 4
Copyright © 2017 HKMPB. All rights reserved.
Our email address is: hkmpb@thb.gov.hk. To unsubscribe from the list, please email us.
The increase in the “Rate of Change” in the demand &
supply factors is bound to change the way we do business.
Led by Mr Jagmeet Makkar, Past Chairman of the Hong
Kong Branch of the Instute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS),
this two- hour seminar will delve deep into the changing
dynamics of shipping markets’ demand and supply drivers
including volale oil prices, impact of financial and
environmental regulaons, diminishing mulplier,
geopolical issues across the globe, China’s Belt & Road
Iniave, India’s new growth story, technological advances
and many more wild cards.
Shipping Markets: Changing Dynamics
23 November (Thursday)
3:00pm – 5:00pm
The Cross-Strait Conference 2017
20 November (Monday)
9:00am – 5:00pm
Internaonal Conference on
“Cross border insolvency and marime maers”
21 November (Tuesday) 9:00am – 6:00pm &
22 November (Wednesday) 9:00am – 12:30pm
$afe Manning Onboard Ships Conference
24 November (Friday)
9:00am – 8:00pm
To enhance closer and more vibrant cross-strait economic
es and create opportunies for the shipping and logiscs
industries, the Cross-Strait Conference has been
successfully held for nine consecuve years since 2006.
This year, its 10
anniversary, the one-day conference will
be held at the Craigengower Cricket Club, Hong Kong. It will
provide parcipants with a plaorm for in-depth
discussions and to exchange views on the role of the
cross-strait shipping and logiscs industries in the region
and around the world.
Event Highlights
At present, over 80% of the world's trade is carried by sea.
Marime law was established to govern marime maers
arising from worldwide and frequent seaborne acvies.
This conference offers an in-depth overview of the current
law and pracce with regards to the cross border insolvency
and marime maers with comprehensive analyses of
domesc laws and internaonal rules. Open to the public,
the conference will take place at the Cheng Yick-chi
Building, City University of Hong Kong.
This whole day conference to be held at Hong Kong Marime
Museum features well-known speakers from Hong Kong and
overseas, represenng government, the Naucal Instute,
Flag States, ship owners and ship managers, accident
invesgators, marine insurers and legal advisors, and a
serving ship Master in discussing various ship manning
topics. Mr. Michael Grey, respected marime industry editor
and correspondent, will be the Chairman of the conference.
The conference will be concluded with a lively panel debate
to explore views on whether manning levels should be
determined by the IMO. Whats more, delegates will be
invited to relax and enjoy the evening cocktail party at Café
October 2017 VOL. 4
Copyright © 2017 HKMPB. All rights reserved.
Our email address is: hkmpb@thb.gov.hk. To unsubscribe from the list, please email us.
Ms. Su Yin Anand, Director of the Young Professionals in Shipping Network (YPSN), is a partner of a famous marime law
firm in Hong Kong. She is extremely passionate about helping young professionals as well as her specialised pracce of
logiscs and dry shipping dispute resoluon.
An all-important decision
Su Yin’s broad experience of living and working in different countries, parcularly Hong Kong, Singapore and London, has led
her to a deep, profound understanding of the relaonships of laws and regulaons between jurisdicons. In 2008, she made
an all-important decision to move from Singapore to Hong Kong in search of newer and beer opportunies and life. “I
could have gone to London,she explained, “but since I already knew how to speak Cantonese and Mandarin, it was only
natural that I chose Hong Kong”
Living and working in Hong Kong
“Hong Kong is buzzing with acvies and a highly compeve market, but it is also a very social city,Su Yin said. “If you are
looking for the Asia experience, but sll want the highlights of western living, the two outstanding places in the world are
Hong Kong and Singapore.She felt that working in Hong Kong can be quite challenging if you cannot speak Mandarin or
Cantonese. However, for someone foreign to this place, even knowing a few words can go a long way to embracing the work
life here.
Network of young professionals
“In the marime industry you will find people who are highly movated and passionate about what they are doing. As far
as opportunies are concerned, the marime industry is always looking for new talents,” Su Yin said.
YPSN is an ideal plaorm for geng to know more people and networking. It is an incorporated non-profit organisaon of
like-minded, passionate and movated individuals in the area of shipping. It serves to facilitate young professionals to
interact and network with their peers and to promote the marime industry as a viable and excing path for the next
generaon. If you want to know more about YPSN, please visit hp://www.ypsnhk.com.
Rewarding career and opportunies in Hong Kong
For the young professionals, Su Yin said, “Don’t expect to take things for granted. If you work hard, and put in the hours, you
will gain the respect of your colleagues and this will lead to a very rewarding career.
“Looking back, it was a right decision to come to work in Hong Kong. Get used to living in small spaces and high rent. But
you will find that Hong Kong has many opportunies and things to offer. Connue to work hard and enjoy what you do,” Su
Yin said.
Young Marime Professionals in Hong Kong
October 2017 VOL. 4
Feature Article
Copyright © 2017 HKMPB. All rights reserved.
Our email address is: hkmpb@thb.gov.hk. To unsubscribe from the list, please email us.
The Hong Kong Marime and Port Board (HKMPB) was set up in April 2016 to provide
a high-level plaorm for the industry, academia and the Government to work closely
together to set the direcon for the development of Hong Kongs marime and port
To learn more about the Hong Kong internaonal marime centre, please click here for the fact sheets –
Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board
Shipping Register
World-class Ship
Finance and
Marine Insurance
Excellent Marime
Legal and Dispute
Resoluon Centre
World-class Ship
A Myriad of
Marime Services
October 2017 VOL. 4
Copyright © 2017 HKMPB. All rights reserved.
Our email address is: hkmpb@thb.gov.hk. To unsubscribe from the list, please email us.